Herzlichen Glückwunsch an alle Gewinner und Runner-ups des Jugendgedichtwettbewerbs "Lost"!


Unsere Preisträger kommen aus allen Bundesländern und Österreich und sprechen gemeinsam aus, was die jungen Menschen in dieser schwierigen Corona Lockdown denken.


Ältere-Gruppe (18 - 21):

Yvonne Binder

Felix Schalk

Emma Fürst

✻ Naomi Einhoff

✻ Huxley Schnur


Junior-Gruppe (14-17):

Magdalena Schmerbauch

Amelie Frikell

Stine Wenzel

✻ Vincent Dekorsy

✻ Mareile Meyer


"In einer Welt, in der es alles gibt, haben wir alles, nur nicht die richtigen Worte", schrieb Emma. Dann lasst uns gemeinsam nach Worten suchen. "Der Mensch ist nicht geboren, um die Probleme der Welt zu lösen, sondern um zu suchen, wo das Problem liegt, und sich dann in den Grenzen des Begreiflichen zu halten."(Goethe)


Gemeinsam, wir schaffen es!



At Sprachenschiff, our team of native speakers give out language lessons in person or per Zoom.   We teach English, Deutsch and Chinese.  Please feel free to contact us: info@sprachenschiff.de


Our general 4-general principles regarding teaching in the Corona-time: 


1) Life is the most treasuresome, and hence as a service provider we need to ensure a clean and comfortable environment for our students / our clients.


2) Teaching is not a profit making business and should never be.  So every action we take must be financially reasonable, but never be made based upon financial preference. 


3)  Learning is an individual and life-long endeavor, so as a teaching institute, we organize "collective and term" schooling to meet individual needs and at the end it's the result of learning -- the satisfaction of our clients -- which dictates the form of teaching (schooling) we take. 


4)  When the mandatory government lockdown is over, it's time individual citizens take on responsibility "for me and for people surrounding me."   Such a "rights (for freedom to work, to move, to think, etc.) coupled with responsibility (towards truth, towards fellow citizens, etc.)" framework of thinking is a cultural good which we have to abide and promote. 



Welcome! Willkommen!

欢迎!Bienvenido! 환영! 


ברוך הבא ! добро пожаловать! أهلا بك! ... :)


Spring 2020 Group Course Schedule and Sign-Up is now available! 

(January 7 - April 3, 2020)


German A1.2: Introduction to the German language.  Pre-requisite:basic greetings in German, counting of numbers,  dates of the week, shopping and seek help in daily life.   


German A2.2: Intermediary Level.   In this course, we focus on expressing wishes, talking about life in a new country, reading newspapers / social medien, discussing about jobs and cultures.  Grammatically, we learn clauses, genetives, n-declesions, passive voices in Päateritum, Perfekt and Plusquamperfekt. 


German B1.2: Adanced Intermediary.  Wir arbeiten an allen vier Bereichen des Sprachlernens: Hören, Lesen, Schreiben und Sprechen. Unsere Zielsetzung ist sodass alle Kursteilnehmer die entsprechende Goethe Institut B1 Prüfung bestehen können. 


Deutsch B2/C1: Fortgeschrittenes Niveau / Kompetente Sprachverwendung.  Kann ein breites Spektrum auspruchsvoller, längerer Texte verestehen und auch implizite Bedeutungen erfassen.  Kann sich spontan und fließend ausdrücken, ohne öfter deutlich erkenntbar nach Worten suchen zu müssen.  Kann die Sprache im gesellschaftlichen und beruflichen Leben oder in Ausbildung und Studium wirksam und flexibel gebrauchen.  Kann sich klar, strukturiert und ausführlich zu kommplexen Sachverhtalten äußern und dabei verschiedene Mittel zur Textverknüpfung angemessen verwenden. 



All curriculum and lesson plans for A1, A2, B1 and B2/C1 levels use standard course materials, openly available on the market and commonly used by other large institutions such as the Volkshochschule and ASG-Bildungszentrum. These levels are designed according to the common European Framework of References for languages (http://www.europaeischer-referenzrahmen.de/).   We do not develop propritory teaching materials.


Each level is conceived to be completed within one year (three semesters) with a total of 200 lesson hours.   Upon successful completion of the A1 and A2 levels, all participants will receive Certification for Participation.  However, at Sprachenschiff, to avoid conflict of interests, we do not porport to test our participates and stamp a language level cerificate.  We nevertheless encourage all participants to take part in well-recognised 3rd party tests, and are delighted to assist all in their effort to achieve objective recognition.   


All course participants are committed on a semester basis, and each semester lasts 8 to 14 weeks.  A participant needs to inform the teacher or the administrater two weeks in advance should he/she cease to participate in the next semeter.  New participants are welcome to transfer into a course at the beginning of each new semester, provided his/her level is appropriate. 


When is Sprachenschiff the right one for you:

  • You are a busy person with limited time and a full day intensive course is not possible (All our courses are scheduled according to NRW school calendar with adjustments to accommodate ISD and St. Georges' expatriates communities, and we meet two or three times a week for 2 lesson hours or 90 minutes each.)
  • You enjoy small, intimated environment (All class size is limited between 4 to 8, so that there is ample opportunity for individual attention. 
  • You value intellectural persuit and different culture. (Almost all our participants have high-education degrees from their native countries, and all our courses are taught by native German teachers with advanced degrees in linguitics, politics and/or international communications).
  • You treasure friendship and diversity.  (Our participants are from all different parts of the world, a mini-UN, and through spending time togehter many participants build life-long friendships with each other, the essence of good communication).     

When is Sprachenschiff NOT the right one for you:

  • You are ambitious and want to speed up.  Depending upon personal motiviation, time availability, personal background, etc., one can learn German much faster than one-year-one-level.
  • You consider budget availability.  We are a private school and (unfortunately) have to charge a fee.  Our fees are standardized at 7,5€/per person /per lesson for group courses.  Upon starting, one will receive an invoice, which will not be exactly the lesson time multipled by lesson fees because we do build-in provisions (normally 20% for anticipated absences).  So this is not free/cheap internet-, or from government-subsidized courses 
  • Your main goal is to obtain a test certificate, instead of actually gaining a new language skill.  We know language schools offer cost-competitive courses with promised level certificates.  Fortunately we have a different pedagogic ideal and principle. 


Spring 2020 Group Course schedule (January 7 - April 3, 2020)




Price (€)

Course Dates

Total Lessons


A 1.2

Moday, Wednesday & Friday: 11:30-13:00





A 2.2

Moday & Friday: 9:30 - 11:00, Wednesday: 13:15 - 14:45






Tuesday & Friday: 9:15 - 11:15






Tuesday & Friday: 11:30 - 13:00





Kostenlose Bücher suchen wissbegierige Leute!

Open Bookshelf in Düsseldorf-Kaiserwerth (公共免费书架)


"Von allen Welten, die der Mensch erschaffen hat, ist die der Bücher die Gewaltigste."  Heinrich Heine (Translation: Of all the worlds people have created is the world from books the most powerful. 在所有人为的世界中, 书本的世界是最有力的, 海涅)


In this bookshelf, you can put books in and take books home all year around free of charge.  Share your books with other people in the community and make knowledge available to everyone.   Sprachenschiff is very proud to be the caretaker of such a public project.  在这公共书架里, 您可以随时免费把书放进, 把书带回家。 把您读过的书与他人分享, 让知识广泛传播。  语舟语言学校荣幸成为这个公共项目的监护者。 


Die wahre Heimat ist eigentlich die Sprache.  Sie bestimmt die Sehnsucht danach, und die Entfremdung von Heimischen geht immer durch die Sprache am schnellsten und leichtesten, wenn auch am leisesten vor sich.   

                               Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767 - 1835)


Ones true home really resides in his language. It determines his longing, and any sense of alienation from home comes out the fastest and easiest, even at the quietest times, through language                             Wilhelm von Humboldt



真正的故乡其实就是语言。它决定了人对故乡的向往; 在异地的生疏感,即便轻声细语,也会在语言里最快,最简单地被体会。                                         威廉·冯·洪堡(1767年至1835年)

Was ist , What is, 什么是 Sprachenschiff ?   

Es ist ein privates Bildungsinstitut mit dem Fokus auf den Sprachen Mandarin-Chinesisch, Englisch und Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Unser Motto lautet: "Über die Sprachgrenzen hinaus“.  Unsere muttersprachlichen Dozenten unterrichten Erwachsene sowie Jugendliche interaktiv in kleinen Klassen, auf Wunsch auch im Einzeltraining.


It is a private educational institution with focus on foreign language teaching in Mandarin Chinese, English and German.  Under the Mission "Beyond the linguistic boundaries", our native teachers teach adults and children alike in small interacitve groups, and of wish individually.


"语舟 (Sprachenschiff)" 是家从事中文,德文,英文教学的私立外文学校。以"跨越语言的局限" 作为指导方针,我们的母语老师们给成人和儿童在轻松互动的小班里,或者个人,授课。


Was macht uns einzigartig, What makes us unique, 什么使我们独树一帜 ?


1) Unsere Lehrer:  Muttersprachler mit Zertifizierung im Fremdsprachenunterricht, langjährigen Erfahrungen und der Motivation, Ausländern zu helfen
2) Teilnehmerzahl: höchstens 8 Schüler pro Kurs
3) Teilnehmer:  gebildet, mit Teamgeist, internationalen 
Erfahrungen und Visionen

4) Methode: ergebnisorientiert und praxisnah


a) Our teachers: only native speakers with foreign language certificates, long-years of  experiences and motivation to help foreigners

b) Format: all classes are limited to 8 participants

c) Participants: well-educated, mutually helpful and international experiences and vision 

d) Method: Our didactics are results-oriented and practical 


i) 我们的老师。  全部是母语,具有外教执照, 多年经验 和教学热情的老师。

ii) 我们的上课形式。 全部小班, 不超过8 人。 

iii) 我们的学生。 绝大多是受过高等教育, 到德国作为外派的工作人员。

iv) 我们的教学方法。 务实, 我们提倡以乐为学, 学以致用。 

 Wie ist der Unterricht organisiert, how are the group lessons organised, 小班如何上课 ? 


1) 3 Semester pro Jahr: August/Sept - Weihnachten, Neujahr - Ostern, Ostern - Sommerferien

2) Ferien & Feiertage nach NRW-Schulkalender

3) 2 Treffen pro Woche (Mo & Do, oder Di & Fr) je 2 Unterrichtseinheiten (90 Minuten)

4) (Optional) 1x im Monat privates Gespräch mit der Lehrerin (15 Minuten), 2 Kulturveranstaltungen pro Semester, Deutschstammtisch am 2. und 4. Mittwoch des Monats 


a) 3 Semesters per year: August/Sept - Christmas, New Year - Easter, Easter - Summer

b) Vacations and holidays according to State Nordrhein Westfalen school calendar.

c) 2 Meetings per week (Mo & Th, or Tu & Fr) a 2 classhours (90 minutes)

d) (optional) 1x in month private meeting with the teacher (15 minutes), 2 cultural events in each semester, and German "Stamm Table" every other Wednesday


i)  每年三学期。 八或九月到圣诞, 新年到复活节, 复活节到暑假

ii) 假期按照 北威州的学校校历

iii) 每周上课两次 (一四, 或二五), 每次两个学时 (90分钟)

iv) (自愿) 每周一次15分钟和老师一对一私聊, 每学期两次文化活动, 每第二个周三的德语角


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© Sprachenschiff - Ihre Sprachschule in Düsseldorf-Kaiserswerth